Keith Eby Studios had humble beginnings.
As a child, Keith Eby spent most of his life in foster homes.
Luckily, before that his mother had introduced him to art and drawing. That gave Keith an outlet for this early hardship.
As Keith grew older, he was able to create homemade tattoo machines out of CD player motors.
He was curious and was intrigued by the process of tattooing. So he began to learn more seriously about this profession.
Ultimately, Keith became increasingly skilled at his craft and purchased his first professional tattoo kit.
The rest is history!
Tattoo artists are common. Many are very good at what they do.
So what is special about Keith Eby? Well, It's about his unique combination vision and skills.
His ability to visualize and conceive the idea before even the client does is an innate ability not every artist possesses. Keith "sees" it before even a preliminary sketch is made. Many times he just moves right ahead and freehands the images.
One of Keith's unique skills as a cover up tattoo artist, is his ability to manipulate or hide a previous, unwanted, tattoo, skin blemish or scar and have it completely imperceptible in the final new extraordinary result.
Another skill or talent Keith has mastered is "flow". This is the ability to make an image mold and form to the shape and curves of the body. The images maintain correct depth and perspective.
This is different from many tattoos which end up looking stiff or flat like a postage stamp were slapped onto the skin.
We have all made mistakes in life. Sometimes a tattoo can be a mistake.
Thankfully, there are talented cover up artists like Keith.
If you or a friend has an unwanted tattoo or some other reason for wanting one done, look no further.
Keith's unique gifts and vision can't be denied.
Contact Keith first!